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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Milton, MA: 3 alarm fire on Adams St

Milton firefighters are battling a house fire at 589 Adams St. Smoke was coming out of the house when firefighters arrived, and there were reports of a person in a wheelchair on the 2nd floor, where the heaviest fire was located. The fire quickly progressed to a 2nd and 3rd alarm, with heavy fire also being reported in the attic stairwell.

UPDATE: As of 12:02, heavy fire is showing on the outside of the building, and firefighters have been forced to pull out of the building.

UPDATE: 12:15 Companies had re-entered and started to make headway, but were ordered back out again due to the roof collapsing.

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Photo by Alex Jones

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Everett, MA: House fire on Westover St

Everett firefighters are battling a fire inside the house at 14 Westover Street. The fire is in the basement of the house, and smoke can be seen from the outside of the building.

As of 1:01PM, the fire has been knocked down. Firefighters are remaining on scene to check the rest of the house.

Revere, MA: House fire on Davis Street

Revere firefighters are on the scene of a fire at 75 Davis Street. The bulk of the fire is reported to be in the attic, and firefighters are making good progress.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Military log, Feb 29th

0829: RCH440 (USAF C-17A #00-0183) detected on Mode S, altitude 34,000 feet. Inbound from overseas

0917: Coast Guard Aux Air 2849 inspecting channel near Nahant Beach. Working on marine channel 83A

1010: KILLER01 (MA ANG F-15) up with ZBW on 307.9 MHz. Air-air comms heard on 259.9 MHz

1022: HUNTRESS (NORAD Northeast Air Defense Sector) calling SLAM31 (Ma ANG F-15) on 228.9 MHz for air intercept exercise. SLAM31 tasked to intercept simulated commercial 757 that has been taken over by terrorists who intend to fly it into the Empire State Building. 364.2 MHz also used.

1026: MAINE85 (ME ANG KC-135) doing touch-and-goes at KBGR Runway 33

1118: KILLER and SAVAGE flights up with HUNTRESS on 260.9 MHz.

1124: 104th Fighter Wing command post requesting HUNTRESS recall all fighters due to deteriorating weather conditions.

1127: PACK11 (NH ANG KC-135) doing touch-and-goes at KBGR Runway 33

1155: RHODY34 (RI ANG C-130 #02-1434) detected on Mode S. Practiced approaches at Worcester Airport and then headed towards Pease.

1218: MAINE86 (ME ANG KC-135) inbound to KBGR Runway 33

1225: REACH302 (AFRC KC-135R #62-3542) detected on Mode S. Departed from Mildenhall, UK.

1608: GUARD CHOPPER 671 (ME ARNG UH-60 #26671) takes off from KBGR

1719: GUARD CHOPPER 671 (ME ARNG UH-60 #26671) lands at KBGR

1738: REACH395 (USAF C-17A #06-6162) detected on Mode S. Altitude 38,000 feet.

2013: REACH530 (USAF KC-10A #83-0082) detected on Mode S. Altitude 36,000 feet.

1845: CAMBER4851 lands KBGR Runway 33, took off from Leipzig, Germany

1850: GOGGLE671 (ME ARNG UH-60 #26671) takes off from KBGR

2126: BOBBY21 (USAF KC-135R #58-0034) detected on Mode S. Headed overseas

2141: BOBBY31 (USAF KC-135R #57-1439) detected on Mode S

2157: BOBBY41 (USAF KC-135R #62-3507) detected on Mode S

2253: REACH528 (MS ANG C-17 #03-3113) detected on Mode S